The biggest factor criminal’s bank on when they accost you for your money or cell phone is fear. They wield a gun because they know most people are afraid of guns. They don’t know much about the gun they wield other than it looks cool, how to pull the trigger and where the dangerous end is, but that’s about it. They bank on your fear and ignorance of guns to get what they want. There’s a way, though, that you can get the better of them, and that’s to educate yourself about guns.
Guns are not bad things, they’re just tools like a lawnmower or a chainsaw. The only difference is that this tool was designed with a very specific purpose in mind. This firearm is nothing more than a hunk of beautifully crafted chrome and steel without a qualified operator at the trigger. And any gun owner in South Africa can certainly be called qualified operators. Gun owners have licenced, registered guns and, in order to get that license, a potential gun owner have to complete paperwork and tests and pay the state’s fee imposed by the Firearm Control Act of 2000.
After you’ve obviously qualified and paid for your license , you can legally purchase and carry a firearm. Of course, legal gun owners have a variety of privately owned shooting ranges and gun shops to frequent, improve their skills and exchange the latest news. That, dear gun-owner, is what makes you different from the big bad criminal. You have a gun and you know how to use it. Because of your proficiency, you need never be afraid of guns again.