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No one, especially, no man could ever understand what it feels like to be a woman, facing a situation like rape. No one can understand the fear racing through your head at that moment in time.

And it is impossible to describe to anyone unless you have been there. It is easy for someone sitting in an office somewhere passing rules and legislature to govern how a woman can protect herself without ever have been in this kind of situation themselves.

They have never felt the fear and the anguish of someone that is about to be raped and cannot protect themselves. This makes it easy for them to pass stupid laws that quite frankly have no effect on their lives.

Protect yourself | Get your firearm license When it comes to rape feminists are perfectly comfortable allowing society to tell then how they can and cannot defend themselves

Imagine, if you will, it’s late at night, you’ve just got home to an empty house, your neighbours are probably asleep, you live alone, and you are confronted in the hallway by someone that wants to rape you.

Even if you manage to get to the phone, you know the police will take between 20 and 30 minutes. Even if you press the panic button, you know you have about 10 minutes. You start to remember the statistics, that the average rape lasts about 3 minutes. You know in your heart that this is going to happen and the situation is out of your control.

Don’t you wish at this point that you had something like a firearm in your purse to protect yourself?

Gun Owner or Victim. Select one
Rape is not just a women's issue, it's about men who stop behaving like human beings & start behaving like monsters!!